Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Art of the day

The Zwirners are online

When we first started this blog, it took about 3 months to get indexed in Google, presumably because someone kept flagging it as inappropriate. (Hey, Blogger is OWNED by Google.)

One of our neighbors wrote a Wiki entry on David Zwirner last year. This entry briefly mentioned his career and noted that he was in a dispute with his neighbors. The Zwirners (I no longer have the IP, damn!) modified their Wiki, removing the link and filling in some of the details of his life. Now it has been taken down, along with the history of the entry. Too bad, because it is almost certainly the Zwirners (or one of their many employees) that they have been posting positive comments about themselves here and on Curbed!


Sure there are always folks who make suspect comments on blogs, but all of the pro-Zwirner entries are logged in as anonymous guest users. Go figure.